
Building and Leading Resilient Teams: Module 5

Module 5: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 2).

Module 5: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 2).

When people work together as a team, they create shared experiences that they can learn from. As a leader, you are expected to facilitate this experiential learning process. Learning is how teams solve problems and overcome challenges. You can lead the learning process by ensuring that your team is constantly reflecting on its past and present experiences to assess performance and find ways to improve. As your team develops new ideas for improvement and change, you will need to approve and prioritize those ideas. Most importantly, it’s your responsibility to make sure these ideas get put into action, tested, and validated. Some ideas will work; some will not. Either way, team learning has occurred.

Why build and lead resilient teams?

In any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together. Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Learning Objectives for Modules 4 and 5: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (parts 1 and 2).

Assignment 1. Learn the following key terms and ideas. Knowing these key terms and ideas is essential to understanding the concepts that support each leader task in this module. (0.5 hours)

Key Terms and Ideas

Assignment 2. Reflect on your unique leader/follower experience with each of the leader tasks and concepts below. Consider ALL the reflection questions in detail. The articles are provided to prompt critical thinking about the topics. (5.5 hours)

Leader Tasks and Concepts

3. Encourage constructive dialogue.

Constructive dialogue is essential for understanding the team’s shared experience. Constructive dialogue is how teams progress through the experiential learning cycle together. Constructive dialogue is psychologically safe discussion between people of varying opinions and perspectives that seeks to develop understanding about important and complicated issues.

Psychological safety is the feeling or belief that you can share thoughts, opinions, and ideas freely without fear of damaging your reputation or standing. Trust and mutual respect are the foundations of psychological safety.

Psychological safety promotes adaptive thinking. Adaptive thinking is the ability to recognize unexpected situations, quickly consider various possible responses, and make an appropriate decision.

In constructive dialogue, active listening is complemented by advocacy. Advocacy is promoting or defending an idea, plan, or way of doing something. Team members must be willing to take a stand and advocate for their ideas.

Explicit knowledge is knowledge that can be documented, stored, and easily shared with others. Tacit knowledge is subjective knowledge gained from personal experience that is stored in a person’s memory. Constructive dialogue allows tacit knowledge to surface and transfer from one person to another.


Psychological Safety at Work

Redefining and Reinforcing Psychological Safety

How Psychological Safety Can Transform Your Organization

The Management Value of “Psychological Safety”

How to Lead When You’re Not the Boss

A Fly on the Wall in a Fearless Organization

Active Listening Skills

4. Build new mental models.

As teams work together over time, they develop shared mental models built on experience and training. A mental model is a conceptual framework used to relate knowledge, attribute meaning, and shape our understanding and expectations of the work environment. Shared mental models improve team performance by enabling team members to accurately describe, predict, and explain the team’s expected behaviors and actions.

Shared mental models are not identical. Instead, they are compatible and complementary. Shared mental models enable better coordination, cooperation, and communication. Shared mental models enhance the team’s ability to solve problems, improve, and innovate. Teams that share mental models make better collective decisions.

Change sometimes requires people and teams to build new mental models. In a dynamic environment where change is constant, people must routinely adapt to new plans, policies, processes, and procedures. Change is inevitable. When mental models are entrenched (not a bad thing), it makes change much more difficult, and this is why change is usually resisted.

Single-loop learning is problem-solving by changing strategies and techniques to avoid mistakes and improve efficiency in existing systems. In single-loop learning, mental models do not change, and decision-making rules remain the same.

Double-loop learning is about surfacing, challenging, and ultimately building new mental models. In double-loop learning, mental models do change and so the rules for making decisions must also change.

Change is not always about fixing something that is broken. Often, change is about taking something good and making it even better.


The Mental Model Matrix

Double Loop Learning

Keep Me in the Loop

Amplify Learning In Your Team With More Double-Loop Learning

Double Trouble

Assignment 3: Group Discussion. For students participating in an instructor-led course, the group discussion of leader tasks and supporting concepts is a key element of the learning experience. Group discussion of the factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) relevant to each leader task ensures that students are well-prepared for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T leader certification exams. Students participating in an instructor-led course may also want to make use of the Exam Prep Study Tool described below. (3.0 hours)

RBLP® Leadership Certifications

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP) Certification.

People who earn the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP) certification are qualified to build and lead resilient teams in the workplace by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose.

RBLP is our core leader certification for supervisors and people seeking a supervisory position. Applicants for RBLP leader certification must have at least two years of work and/or college experience.

During the 1.5-hour oral RBLP exam, the applicant is required to show competence in factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) in the Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, and Provide Purpose competency domains (Modules 1-3 only).

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Coach® (RBLP-C) Certification.

People who earn the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® Coach (RBLP-C) certification are qualified to build and lead resilient teams in the workplace by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. They are also qualified to facilitate team learning.

RBLP-C certified leaders can coach others on these leadership competencies.

RBLP-C is our leader certification for managers and people seeking a management position.

During the 2.5-hour oral RBLP-C exam, the applicant is required to show competence in factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) in the Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, Provide Purpose, and Facilitate Team Learning competency domains (Modules 1-5 only).

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Trainer (RBLP-T) Certification.

People who earn the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® Trainer (RBLP-T) certification are qualified to build and lead resilient teams in the workplace by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. They are also qualified to facilitate team learning and support organizational learning.

RBLP-T certified leaders can coach others on these leadership competencies and provide training that prepares people to sit for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certification exams.

RBLP-T is our leader certification for senior managers and people seeking a senior management position.

During the 3.5-hour oral RBLP-T exam, the applicant is required to show competence in factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) in the Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, Provide Purpose, Facilitate Team Learning, and Support Organizational Learning competency domains (Modules 1-7).

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Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. also licenses the curriculum to current Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Trainer (RBLP-T) certified leaders on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing training at no cost for up to five family, friends, or coworkers per calendar year. This license strictly prohibits the re-publishing, modification, or alteration of the curriculum materials. According to this license, the RBLP-T certified leader may not sell the materials. By using and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license.

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