
Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®)

RBLP® Leader Certifications

99% of people earning our leader certifications recommend us.

89% say it will lead to better compensation and career longevity.

96% say it will increase professional trust from employers and the public.

97% have greater confidence in their professional abilities.

96% say it will lead to improved opportunities for employability and advancement.

89% say it will increase their autonomy in the workplace.

92% say it will increase recognition by peers and respect of colleagues.

See our latest Google reviews

Leadership Fundamentals Course

We have payment plans for certification exam fees!

We offer 0% APR financing on plans up to 6 months. We also offer interest-bearing financing on payment plans for up to 36 months. See full payment terms and disclosures.

Choose a payment plan when you schedule your RBLPRBLP-C, and RBLP-T leader certification exam.

Read our Community Insights article: Why should Project Managers Earn a Leadership Certification?

Our Founder/CEO, Dr. Gene Coughlin was recently a guest on The EdUp Experience podcast.

How are resilient teams built & led?

What skill turns a job into a career?

What does Gene see as the future of Higher Education?

Read More and Listen to the Episode

Resilience-Building Leader Program

Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®) approved for GI Bill® Funding.

Resilience-Building Leader Program, the nationally recognized series of leadership certifications for supervisors, managers, and senior managers, today announced approval for GI Bill® Education Benefits Funding. The Department of Veterans Affairs will provide funding reimbursement for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certification exams under Chapters 30, 32, 33, 35, & 1606. Read More