
Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP)

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP)

People who earn the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP) certification are qualified to build and lead resilient teams in the workplace by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose.

RBLP is our core leader certification. Supervisors and above are eligible.

Supervisor Role Defined: For supervisors, leadership is mostly about guiding and motivating people to get the organization’s work done. They have hands-on the organization’s products and services, and they are in direct contact with customers, clients, and the public.

Supervisors provide guidance and direction to workers. They set priorities for workers and oversee their activities. Supervisors organize people to work in teams and may work alongside subordinates as a member of the team. Supervisors monitor performance and enforce policies, rules, and regulations. They have applicable technical expertise and can provide on-the-job training to workers.

People who earn the RBLP leader certification become lifetime members of the RBLP Community of Practice.

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP)

Certification Steps

1. Apply for Certification

Our application is free and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

2. Get Ready for RBLP Certification

Option 1: Applicants for RBLP certification can complete an instructor-led exam prep course. The online Building and Leading Resilient Teams (3 modules for RBLP exam prep) courses offered by our growing network of Training and Education Partners meet this requirement.

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Option 2: Applicants for RBLP certification can also study on their own using the RBLP Exam Prep Study Tool for on $24.95 for a month of access. The Study Tool uses spaced repetition technology and includes quizzes with scenario-based questions that test your knowledge. Flashcards of key terms and ideas, audio versions of the lesson plans, and additional bonus video content are also included.

3. Take the RBLP Certification Exam

During the online 1.5-hour oral RBLP exam, the applicant is required to show competence in factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) in the Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, and Provide Purpose competency domains.

We developed oral certification exams because they test leadership knowledge more effectively than written examinations. Our exam administrators hold doctoral degrees and have 20+ years of leadership experience.

The RBLP certification exam is $675. We administer oral certification exams via Microsoft Teams video conference. No special software downloads are required.

Read our Community Insights article: What are the Benefits of Oral Exams?

Use these templates to request exam prep training course and certification exam fee reimbursement from your employer.

The GI Bill® reimburses eligible military personnel and veterans for the cost of the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T leader certification exams. Complete this VA Form 22-0803 for RBLP exam fee reimbursement and upload through QuickSubmit on AccessVARequest. Include copies of your exam results email and payment receipt.

The RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certifications are approved for Department of Defense (DOD) Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) funding for Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel. The RBLP-C certification is also approved for DoD Civilians. The Army and Air Force require an exam fee quote.

We have payment plans for certification exam fees!

We offer 0% APR financing on plans up to 6 months. That’s about $113 per month for the RBLP leader certification exam!

We also offer interest-bearing financing on payment plans for up to 36 months.

See full payment terms and disclosures.

Choose a payment plan when you schedule your exam.

Got Questions?

Text your questions to 213-205-6100 and we will get back to you soon.

Watch videos about leader training and certification on our YouTube Channel.

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RBLP Certification Competency Domains

Leader Competency Domain: Create a Positive Climate

When morale is low, performance suffers. When morale is high, performance can soar. Climate is about the shared perceptions and attitudes of teammates. Your team’s climate can change quickly, for better or worse, based on your actions and the actions of your teammates. You can raise your team’s morale by creating a positive climate for people to work in. The result is more flexibility, creativity, and openness to new ideas. Positive emotions help people cope with stress. Teams that work in a positive climate are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Leader Competency Domain: Develop Cohesion

The best measure of a team is how well it performs under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough get going… by working together as a team. This maxim holds true for front-line teams, executive teams, and all other teams in between, including yours. You can boost teamwork by developing the cohesion of your team. The result will be more supportive and dependable relationships. Developing cohesion enhances well-being, reduces stress, and enables your team’s creativity and collective decision-making. Cohesive teams in the workplace are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Leader Competency Domain: Provide Purpose

When people have a sense of purpose for the work that they do, they are more motivated and committed. You can provide purpose in the workplace by challenging people to be their best. Most people are looking to grow personally and professionally. You should challenge each person on your team to learn new skills. You should challenge the team to learn new collective skills together. You can also provide purpose by helping your team understand how their work supports the organization’s mission. When people have a sense of purpose at work, they are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Our mission at Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®) is to certify leaders on building and leading resilient teams in the workplace. We have issued thousands of leader certifications to supervisors, managers, and senior managers since our founding in 2018.

Why? Because in any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Sometimes, it can be really hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together.

Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.