
RBLP Leadership Fundamentals Course

Leadership Fundamentals Course

The self-paced, online Leadership Fundamentals Course introduces people to the 21 core leader tasks of the Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®). Course topics include Creating a Positive Climate, Developing Cohesion, and Providing Purpose. Audio versions of the lessons and bonus video content are also included.

Course cost is only $145. Complete the course to earn a certificate and digital badge.

People who complete the Leadership Fundamentals Course become lifetime members of the RBLP Community of Practice.

Check out our leader certifications for supervisors, managers, and senior managers.

Watch the video: Everyone Gets a Chance to Lead in the Workplace

What will you learn in this course?

RBLP Leadership Competency Domain: Create a Positive Climate.

Leader Competency Domain: Create a Positive Climate

When morale is low, performance suffers. When morale is high, performance can soar. Climate is about the shared perceptions and attitudes of teammates. Your team’s climate can change quickly, for better or worse, based on your actions and the actions of your teammates. You can raise your team’s morale by creating a positive climate for people to work in. The result is more flexibility, creativity, and openness to new ideas. Positive emotions help people cope with stress. Teams that work in a positive climate are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Leader Tasks: (1) Analyze team climate, (2) Earn trust, (3) Treat people with respect, (4) Enforce accountability, (5) Encourage people to have fun, (6) Demonstrate character, and (7) Keep the team informed.

RBLP Leadership Competency Domain: Develop Cohesion

Leader Competency Domain: Develop Cohesion

The best measure of a team is how well it performs under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough get going… by working together as a team. This maxim holds true for front-line teams, executive teams, and all other teams in between, including yours. You can boost teamwork by developing the cohesion of your team. The result will be more supportive and dependable relationships. Developing cohesion enhances well-being, reduces stress, and enables your team’s creativity and collective decision-making. Cohesive teams in the workplace are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Leader Tasks: (1) Analyze team cohesion, (2) Organize people to work in teams, (3) Promote trust between team members, (4) Ensure mutual respect between team members, (5) Train the team, (6) Manage expectations, and (7) Talk about setbacks.

RBLP Leadership Competency Domain: Provide Purpose

Leader Competency Domain: Provide Purpose

When people have a sense of purpose for the work that they do, they are more motivated and committed. You can provide purpose in the workplace by challenging people to be their best. Most people are looking to grow personally and professionally. You should challenge each person on your team to learn new skills. You should challenge the team to learn new collective skills together. You can also provide purpose by helping your team understand how their work supports the organization’s mission. When people have a sense of purpose at work, they are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Leader Tasks: (1) Analyze individual purpose, (2) Show genuine concern for people, (3) Encourage individual learning, (4) Delegate responsibility, (5) Empower decision-making, (6) Keep people focused on the mission, and (7) Be there when the going gets tough.

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