
Building and Leading Resilient Teams

Course Curriculum

Why is it important to build and lead resilient teams?

Because in any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Sometimes, it can be really hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together.

Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®) is the credentialing body for the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® certifications. Our mission is to certify leaders that know how to build and lead resilient teams. Our certification exams assess your factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) of these leader competencies.

Building and Leading Resilient Teams

Curriculum Modules 1-7

Our Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum prepares people to sit for the RBLP series of leader certification exams. The curriculum is based on the RBLP Leader Competency Domains and is taught by our Training and Education Partners.

Module 1 Lesson: Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in.

Module 2 Lesson: Boost teamwork by developing cohesion among team members.

Module 3 Lesson: Improve motivation and commitment by providing purpose in the workplace.

Module 4 Lesson: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 1).

Module 5 Lesson: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 2).

Module 6 Lesson: Enhance the organization’s ability to change and compete by supporting organizational learning (part 1).

Module 7 Lesson: Enhance the organization’s ability to change and compete by supporting organizational learning (part 2).

The Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum is designed to “flip” the classroom. Outside the classroom, students complete reading assignments and answer reflection questions about their unique leader/follower experience. Inside the classroom, students participate in an instructor-led group discussion of the leader tasks and supporting concepts.

For instructor-led courses, each curriculum module requires six hours of student prep and three contact hours with an instructor based on a class size of 10-12 students. Instructor contact hours may be reduced to two hours per module for a class of 5-6 students or one hour per module for 1-2 students.

RBLP Leadership Certifications

Get RBLP Certification

RBLP is our core leader certification. Supervisors and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-3

1.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-C Certification

RBLP-C is our Coach certification. Managers and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-5

2.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-T Certification

RBLP-T is our Trainer certification. Senior managers are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-7

3.5-hour oral exam

How are the leadership certification exams administered?

Our certification exams are administered orally by exam administrators via video conference. No special software downloads are required.

We administer oral certification exams because leadership knowledge can be tested more effectively by oral exam than by written examination. Our exam administrators hold doctoral degrees and have 20+ years of leadership experience.

How are are examinees assessed during the exams?

The RBLP series of leader certification exams assess factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge of the leader tasks applicable to building and leading resilient teams.

  • Factual: Knowing what the key terms and ideas relevant to each leader task mean.
  • Conceptual: Knowing why principles, theories, and models relevant to each leader task are important.
  • Procedural: Knowing how the skills, techniques, and methods relevant to each leader task are implemented in the workplace to build and lead resilient teams.

Examinees must demonstrate their understanding of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge via the following high-order thinking skills during the exam.

  • Analyze (select and differentiate) their unique leader/follower experience and attribute that experience to the leader tasks being assessed.
  • Evaluate (critique and judge) their unique leader/follower experience to determine what leaders should or should not do relevant to each leader task being assessed.
  • Create (design and produce) a plan for building and leading resilient teams in their specific line of work.

© 2019-2024 Resilience-Building Leader Program Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. owns the copyright to this Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum and licenses the curriculum to current Authorized Education Partners (AEP) and current Authorized Training Partners (ATP) on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T exam prep training to students and customers. The license permits the AEP or ATP to re-publish and distribute the curriculum materials to customers, students, faculty, and staff, so long as the copyright notices included in the materials are kept intact and not removed or altered. An AEP or ATP may modify and alter the materials within the spirit of the content of the materials. According to this license, an AEP or ATP may not sell the materials. By using, publishing, and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license.

Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. may also license this curriculum to current Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Trainer (RBLP-T) certified leaders on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing exam prep training for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certification exams, at no cost, to people in their organizations. This license strictly prohibits the re-publishing, modification, or alteration of the curriculum materials. According to this license, the RBLP-T certified leader may not sell the materials. By using and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license. Submit license request inquiries to [email protected].

“RBLP”, “Resilience-Building Leadership Professional”, “Learn More. Lead Better.”, and the RBLP shield logo are registered trademarks of Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc.