
Dr. Gene Coughlin was recently a guest on the Real-Resilience Podcast with Matthew Lostaglia

About the podcast: The Real-Resilience Podcast is a cost-free project designed to help leaders to increase their influence by understanding the role of interpersonal connections within their organizations. This is the home for both executives looking to manage significant change in their business so they can attract and retain high-quality talent and the small team leader who wants to learn practical motivational tools to inspire their team. Matthew Lostaglia hosts this show.

Episode:  Interview with Gene Coughlin

Description: It is 2023. While technology is making things easier, it is also complicating our vision of the future. YouTube allows us to communicate in both long and short-form capacities. ChatGPT is continuing to break through into more people’s lives every day, including my own! Remote work and changing working conditions continue to rattle our sense of what it means to be a team. Can we function as a team the same way in 2023 that we did in 2013, 2003, or even 1993? Can we build teams using the same principles in 2023? With all of the chaos amid the technological marvels we are experiencing it can be hard to get back to the basics and remember that no matter what, at the end of the day, we are just people. We are just people living together, working together, communicating, and striving to make the world a better place. Dr. Gene Coughlin and I discuss how we can continue to build resilient teams, perhaps stronger than ever before even as we progress forward into the great unknown. Learn more about Dr. Gene Coughlin’s program – Resilience Building Leader Program – RBLP

To learn more about RBLP®, please visit: www.resiliencebuildingleader.com.