
Exam Policies

We developed oral certification exams because they test leadership knowledge more effectively than written examinations. Our exam administrators hold doctoral degrees and have 20+ years of leadership experience. We administer oral certification exams via Microsoft Teams video conference. No special software downloads are required. You will receive a calendar invite to your exam via email within three (3) business days of scheduling.

Assessment Policy

The RBLP series of leader certification exams assess factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge of the leader tasks applicable to building and leading resilient teams.

Examinees must demonstrate their understanding of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge via the following high-order thinking skills during the exam.

Pass or Did Not Pass Policy

An overall status of PASS is achieved by meeting expectations of competence in each domain applicable to the certification exam attempted.

Not meeting expectations in a single competency domain of an RBLP, RBLP-C or RBLP-T certification exam requires a single domain 2nd attempt reexamination no sooner than 30 days from the date of original exam. Additional exam preparation is recommended prior to reexamination.

Not meeting expectations in two or more competency domains of an RBLP, RBLP-C or RBLP-T certification exam requires a 2nd attempt reexamination no sooner that 180 days from the date of original exam. Additional leadership experience and exam preparation is recommended prior to reexamination.

Internet and Video Connection Policy

It is your responsibility to maintain Internet and video connection during your scheduled exam. If you are unable to maintain connectivity, it may be necessary to reschedule your exam at the Exam Administrator’s discretion. If rescheduling is required due to connectivity problems, the no-show and rescheduling policies below will apply.  

No Distraction Policy

It is your responsibility to be in a private and quiet space that will be free of distractions during your scheduled exam. If you are unable to maintain a distraction-free environment, it may be necessary to reschedule your exam. If rescheduling is required due to distractions, the no-show and rescheduling policies below will apply.

Rescheduling Policy

Rescheduling your scheduled exam 1-2 calendar days prior to your exam date will incur a fee of $145. To reschedule your exam without incurring a fee, you must submit a written request to via email to RBLP Support at least 3 calendar days prior to your exam date. Rescheduling the same day is considered a no-show (see policy below). 

No-Show Policy

A no-show means that a customer failed to join their scheduled exam video conference within 15 minutes of the start time. If you are a no-show for a scheduled exam, you must pay a no-show fee of $150 and a rescheduling fee of $145. 

Refund Policy

Exam vouchers are transferrable and valid for one year. All refund requests will incur a $295 processing fee and must be submitted within 30 calendar days of funding the exam. Requests for refunds must be submitted via email to RBLP Support.

Accommodations Policy

Requests for exam modification accommodations due to a disability, handicap, or other conditions will be considered with supporting documentation. Submit requests via email to RBLP Support.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

All certification-related complaints and appeals must be submitted via email to RBLP Admin within 30 days of the event or incident. We will review and validate the complaint in a timely manner, and you will be notified of the outcome. The record of the complaint or appeal, including any actions taken to resolve the complaint, will be confidential.

Confidentiality Policy

The certification exams, scoring rubrics, scoring sheets, and all other testing or test-related materials remain the sole and exclusive property of the Resilience-Building Leader Program. These materials are confidential and are not available for review by any person or agency for any reason. Learn more about exam development.