
Submit your RBLP Leader Training and Certification for CEUs/PDUs

Submitting Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Units (PDUs) to various organizations generally involves a few key steps. However, it’s important to note that the specific process can vary depending on the organization and the type of credential you’re maintaining. Here’s a general outline of the process:

  1. Understand the Requirements: Before you start earning CEUs or PDUs, make sure you understand the specific requirements of your organization. This includes knowing how many units you need, what types of activities qualify, and within what time frame you must earn them.
  2. Complete Qualified Activities: Engage in activities that qualify for CEUs or PDUs. This could include attending workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, or completing relevant courses. Some organizations also recognize teaching, publishing, or volunteer work in the field as qualifying activities.
  3. Document your Activities: Keep detailed records of your activities. This documentation should include the date of the activity, the provider’s name, a brief description of the activity, and the number of CEUs or PDUs earned. For some activities, like attending conferences, you may receive a certificate or letter of completion.
  4. Submit your CEUs/PDUs: Most organizations have an online portal where you can submit your CEUs or PDUs. You’ll typically need to log into your account on the organization’s website and enter the details of each activity. In some cases, you may need to upload supporting documents.
  5. Pay any Necessary Fees: Some organizations require a fee to process CEU or PDU submissions, especially when submitting them for credential renewal.
  6. Wait for Approval: After submission, there may be a review process. The organization will verify your activities and ensure they meet the necessary criteria.
  7. Maintain Records: Keep your own records of CEUs or PDUs earned, even after submission. In case of an audit by the organization, you’ll need to provide proof of your activities.

Always refer to the guidelines provided by the specific organization for the most accurate and detailed instructions. If you’re uncertain about any part of the process, it’s a good idea to contact the organization directly for clarification.

We recommend that you submit your Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP) certification for CEUs/PDUs. Please find below the key information that you will need. Choose the option that coincides with your exam prep training option.

Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP)

Self-study or instructor-led training course (27 hours) and 2.5-hour RBLP-C certification exam (29.5 total hours).

Certification Description: RBLP is our core leader certification for supervisors and people seeking a supervisory position. People who earn the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP) certification are qualified to build and lead resilient teams in the workplace by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose.

Exam Prep Education/Training: RBLP certified leaders have completed self-study or an instructor-led RBLP exam prep course covering the first three modules of our Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum.

Learning objectives included:

Certification Exam: During the 1.5-hour oral exam, our RBLP certified leaders show competence in factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) in the Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, and Provide Purpose competency domains.

Create a Positive Climate: When morale is low, performance suffers. When morale is high, performance can soar. Climate is about the shared perceptions and attitudes of teammates. Your team’s climate can change quickly, for better or worse, based on your actions and the actions of your teammates. You can raise your team’s morale by creating a positive climate for people to work in. The result is more flexibility, creativity, and openness to new ideas. Positive emotions help people cope with stress. Teams that work in a positive climate are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Develop Cohesion: The best measure of a team is how well it performs under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough get going… by working together as a team. This maxim holds true for front-line teams, executive teams, and all other teams in between, including yours. You can boost teamwork by developing the cohesion of your team. The result will be more supportive and dependable relationships. Developing cohesion enhances well-being, reduces stress, and enables your team’s creativity and collective decision-making. Cohesive teams in the workplace are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Provide Purpose: When people have a sense of purpose for the work that they do, they are more motivated and committed. You can provide purpose in the workplace by challenging people to be their best. Most people are looking to grow personally and professionally. You should challenge each person on your team to learn new skills. You should challenge the team to learn new collective skills together. You can also provide purpose by helping your team understand how their work supports the organization’s mission. When people have a sense of purpose at work, they are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.