
Credly Digital Badge Instructions

Accept your Credly Badge issued from RBLP® by following the steps below.

Share dashboard will give you options to link your badge to LinkedIn, Facebook, or X Twitter. You also have the option to Publish your badge by Email, Public Link, Embed Code, and Download Badge Image.

Download your Credly Badge

  • Select “Download Badge Image” 
  • A window will open, giving you the option size and download your badge image 
  • Select “Download Image” and a png will download to your computer.

  • Select LinkedIn under Promote
  • Sign-in screen for LinkedIn will pop up
  • Allow access to LinkedIn
  • Choose to Add to Profile, Share to Feed, and add an Optional Message with your feed post.
  • Share to LinkedIn
  • A pop-up for License or Certification will appear on LinkedIn to confirm that the information is correct.
  • Select “Save” to complete
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For additional help visit the Credly support page.