
Building and Leading Resilient Teams: Module 1

Module 1: Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in.

Module 1: Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in.

When morale is low, performance suffers. When morale is high, performance can soar. Climate is about the shared perceptions and attitudes of teammates. Your team’s climate can change quickly, for better or worse, based on your actions and the actions of your teammates. You can raise your team’s morale by creating a positive climate for people to work in. The result is more flexibility, creativity, and openness to new ideas. Positive emotions help people cope with stress. Teams that work in a positive climate are better able to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Why build and lead resilient teams?

In any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together. Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Learning Objectives for Module 1: Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in.

Assignment 1. Learn the following key terms and ideas. Knowing these key terms and ideas is essential to understanding the concepts that support each leader task in this module. (0.5 hours)

Key Terms and Ideas

Assignment 2. Reflect on your unique leader/follower experience with each of the leader tasks and concepts below. Consider ALL the reflection questions in detail. The articles are provided to prompt critical thinking about the topics. (5.5 hours)

Leader Tasks and Concepts

1. Analyze team climate.

Climate is the shared perceptions that people have regarding the attitudes and emotions that characterize their team. Positive climates are characterized by positive attitudes and emotions. Emotions and attitudes, both positive and negative, can be contagious. Creating a positive climate raises morale.

Culture is the shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that govern how people behave across an organization. It’s possible to have a positive team climate inside of a not-so-good organizational culture. Bad team climate inside of a great organizational culture is also possible (and unfortunate).

Culture can only change slowly over time. However, climate can change quickly depending on the actions of team members and leaders.

In a positive climate, people are more flexible, creative, and open to new ideas. Working in a positive climate improves the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges. Creating a positive climate is essential for building resilient teams.


4 of the Most Important Positive Emotions and What They Do

The Benefits of Positive Emotions for Inhibiting Anger

Practice Emotional Inclusion at Work, Not Toxic Positivity

2. Earn Trust.

When people trust their leaders, they are more willing to give a 100% effort at work. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose. Earning trust helps create a positive climate.

Leaders earn trust when they demonstrate competence and integrity. Competence is having the knowledge and skills to do something well. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Earning trust takes time.

Leaders earn trust when they are authentic and vulnerable. Authenticity is about being transparent with your thoughts, emotions, values, and beliefs. Vulnerability is being open to the risk of emotional exposure. Being authentic can make a person vulnerable. Being vulnerable is a strength that takes courage.


Being Authentic Earns Trust

6 Ways to Build Workplace Trust

5 Fundamental Ways to Earn Leadership Credibility

Where Are the Trustworthy Leaders?

The 7 Habits of Truly Genuine People

How to Earn Trust as a Leader?

How Can Leaders Earn Trust?

3. Treat people with respect.

Leaders can treat people with respect by recognizing their dignity. Dignity is the inherent importance, value, and worth of a person. Treating people with respect helps create a positive climate.

Leaders can treat people with respect by consistently providing equal access to opportunities and resources to all team members in the workplace.

Leaders can treat people with respect by actively listening and valuing their opinions. Active listening is seeking to understand meaning and intent without preemptively judging. Valuing opinions doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with those opinions.


Respect Your Employees

Respect: Yearned for, But Missed in Organizations

The Fight for Fairness in the Workplace

The Wisdom of Emotions At Work

4. Enforce accountability.

Accountability is the obligation and willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions. When enforcing accountability, leaders should be firm, fair, and consistent. Enforcing accountability helps create a positive climate.

Standards are expectations, norms, or rules that are generally accepted or specifically required. Leaders should hold themselves accountable to the same or higher standards they expect of others. Team members should also hold each other accountable.

Enforcing accountability usually isn’t about punishments. In most cases, it means ensuring that people are learning from their mistakes. Leaders need to invest the time required to help people learn from their mistakes.


Why Effective Leaders Must Master Accountability

The Difference Between Shame and Accountability

Accountability – What Dysfunctional Teams Are Missing

The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

5. Encourage people to have fun.

Having some fun at work is possible no matter how serious the job is. Hard work and fun are not mutually exclusive. Encouraging people to have fun increases positive emotions and attitudes and helps create a positive climate.

Having fun at work helps people relax and take a mental break from challenges. Humor and laughter can help relieve anxiety and stress. However, leaders must ensure that people are not having fun at other’s expense. Humor must be in good taste and acceptable to all.


Reduce Workplace Stress Through Fun Activities

Workplace Humor Has Some Unexpected Benefits

6. Demonstrate character.

Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. A leader’s character will make or break their reputation. While there are many important character traits for leaders, the traits of moral courage, honesty, humility, and empathy are especially important for building and leading resilient teams.

Moral Courage is acting for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse reactions. Honesty is being free of deceit and showing genuine principles, intentions, and actions. Humility is having a modest opinion or assessment of one’s importance. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


Demonstrate Character with Moral Courage and Honesty

Demonstrate Character with Empathy and Humility

The Struggle with Moral Courage in Challenging Moments

Lies in the Workplace

The Paradoxical Power of Humility

Is Empathy Redundant for Successful Leadership?

7. Keep the team informed.

Keeping the team informed provides transparency and helps overcome resistance to change. Transparency is open, honest, and accessible communication. People appreciate getting important news, good or bad, in a timely manner. Keeping people informed helps create a positive climate.

Knowledge is power. Not having information is stressful. Leaders should ask themselves, what do I know, who needs to know it, and have I told them? Keeping people informed includes providing opportunities for two-way communication.


You have Information. How do you Responsibly Share It?

Talking Points: How To Communicate the Way You Need To

Improve Your Trust Building Odds

Assignment 3: Group discussion of the leader tasks and supporting concepts is a key element of the learning experience. Group discussion (with classmates, friends, or colleagues) of the factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural (how) knowledge relevant to each leader task ensures that you are well-prepared for the RBLP, RBLP-C, or RBLP-T leader certification exam. (1-3 hours)

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Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. owns the copyright to this Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum and licenses the curriculum to current Authorized Education Partners (AEP) and current Authorized Training Partners (ATP) on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T exam prep training to students and customers. The license permits the AEP or ATP to re-publish and distribute the curriculum materials to customers, students, faculty, and staff, so long as the copyright notices included in the materials are kept intact and not removed or altered. An AEP or ATP may modify and alter the materials within the spirit of the content of the materials. According to this license, an AEP or ATP may not sell the materials. By using, publishing, and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license.

Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. may also license this curriculum to current Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Trainer (RBLP-T) certified leaders on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing exam prep training for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certification exams, at no cost, to people in their organizations. This license strictly prohibits the re-publishing, modification, or alteration of the curriculum materials. According to this license, the RBLP-T certified leader may not sell the materials. By using and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license. Submit license request inquiries to [email protected].

“RBLP”, “Resilience-Building Leadership Professional”, “Learn More. Lead Better.”, and the RBLP shield logo are registered trademarks of Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc.

Our mission at Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®) is to certify leaders on building and leading resilient teams in the workplace. We have issued thousands of leader certifications to supervisors, managers, and senior managers since our founding in 2018.

Why? Because in any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Sometimes, it can be really hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together.

Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Get RBLP Certification

RBLP is our core leader certification. Supervisors and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-3

1.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-C Certification

RBLP-C is our Coach certification. Managers and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-5

2.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-T Certification

RBLP-T is our Trainer certification. Senior managers are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-7

3.5-hour oral exam