
Building and Leading Resilient Teams: Module 4

Module 4: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 1).

Module 4: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (part 1).

When people work together as a team, they create shared experiences that they can learn from. As a leader, you are expected to facilitate this experiential learning process. Learning is how teams solve problems and overcome challenges. You can lead the learning process by ensuring that your team is constantly reflecting on its past and present experiences to assess performance and find ways to improve. As your team develops new ideas for improvement and change, you will need to approve and prioritize those ideas. Most importantly, it’s your responsibility to make sure these ideas get put into action, tested, and validated. Some ideas will work; some will not. Either way, team learning has occurred.

Why build and lead resilient teams?

In any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together. Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Learning Objectives for Modules 4 and 5: Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning (parts 1 and 2).

Assignment 1. Learn the following key terms and ideas. Knowing these key terms and ideas is essential to understanding the concepts that support each leader task in this module. (0.5 hours)

Key Terms and Ideas

Assignment 2. Reflect on your unique leader/follower experience with each of the leader tasks and concepts below. Consider ALL the reflection questions in detail. The articles are provided to prompt critical thinking about the topics. (5.5 hours)

Leader Tasks and Concepts

1. Analyze team learning capacity.

Experiential team learning is the cyclical process of experiencing, reflecting, deciding, and acting as a team. Working together, teams learn from their experience how to improve, innovate, and solve problems.

The experiential learning cycle of experiencing, reflecting, deciding, and acting is continuous. Learning from their experience is how resilient teams overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

The Experiential Learning Cycle described in the Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum is a modified version of the Experiential Learning Cycle above by David Kolb.

The experiencing stage of the experiential learning cycle is where teams directly observe or participate in events. Everything that a team does together creates experience that can be learned from. Improving, innovating, and solving problems requires teams to move from experiencing to reflecting. Teams that cannot move from experiencing to reflecting are not learning.

The reflecting stage of the experiential learning cycle is where teams carefully and critically consider something. Teams reflect on their experience to find ways to solve problems, improve performance, and innovate new ideas. Teams that cannot move from reflecting to deciding are not learning.

The deciding stage of the experiential learning cycle is where teams use experience and reflection to guide their decision-making. Often, teams will need to make timely decisions without optimal information. Improving, innovating, and solving problems requires teams to move from deciding to acting. Teams that cannot move from deciding to acting are not learning.

The acting stage of the experiential learning cycle is where teams act in furtherance of a decision. Good teams will have a bias for action. Bias for action is favoring action over inaction, especially in the face of uncertainty. Improving, innovating, and solving problems requires teams to complete the learning cycle by moving from acting to a new and improved experience (ideally). Even if the experience is not what the team was expecting, learning has still occurred, and the cycle begins again.

2. Orient on team goals.

Team goals are objectives or targets that a team is trying to reach or achieve together. Team goals should be well-defined and understood by the team. Establishing stretch goals promotes more learning and better performance and productivity. Stretch goals are purposefully ambitious and challenge a person or team to step outside of their comfort zone. Orienting on team goals helps the team identify problems.

Orienting on team goals requires unity of effort. Unity of effort is the deliberate coordination and cooperation of people toward a common objective. Cohesive teams working in a positive climate are more likely to demonstrate unity of effort.

Orienting on team goals also requires that leaders provide their intent. Leader’s intent is provided to explain “why” something needs to be accomplished so that teams can develop or adapt their plans for “how” to get the work done.

Establishing incremental goals helps teams develop confidence. An incremental goal is a benchmark set between a starting point and end goal that is used to track progress. Meeting incremental goals creates short-term wins and provides motivation.

As teams successfully accomplish goals together, they develop higher levels of collective efficacy. Teams that are higher in collective efficacy are better prepared to overcome adversity together.


The Best Way to Set Team Goals

How to Write Effective OKRs – Plus Examples

A Leader’s Role in Setting and Meeting Team Goals

5 Practical Tips How to Set Truly Cooperative Team Goals

Understanding Stretch Goals

Assignment 3: Group Discussion. For students participating in an instructor-led course, the group discussion of leader tasks and supporting concepts is a key element of the learning experience. Group discussion of the factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural knowledge (how) relevant to each leader task ensures that students are well-prepared for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T leader certification exams. Students participating in an instructor-led course may also want to make use of the Exam Prep Study Tool described below. (3.0 hours)

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Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. owns the copyright to this Building and Leading Resilient Teams curriculum and licenses the curriculum to current Authorized Education Partners (AEP) and current Authorized Training Partners (ATP) on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T exam prep training to students and customers. The license permits the AEP or ATP to re-publish and distribute the curriculum materials to customers, students, faculty, and staff, so long as the copyright notices included in the materials are kept intact and not removed or altered. An AEP or ATP may modify and alter the materials within the spirit of the content of the materials. According to this license, an AEP or ATP may not sell the materials. By using, publishing, and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license.

Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc. may also license this curriculum to current Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Trainer (RBLP-T) certified leaders on a royalty-free, no-fee basis for their use in providing exam prep training for the RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T certification exams, at no cost, to people in their organizations. This license strictly prohibits the re-publishing, modification, or alteration of the curriculum materials. According to this license, the RBLP-T certified leader may not sell the materials. By using and/or distributing the curriculum, you agree to this license. Submit license request inquiries to [email protected].

“RBLP”, “Resilience-Building Leadership Professional”, “Learn More. Lead Better.”, and the RBLP shield logo are registered trademarks of Resilience-Building Leader Program, Inc.

Our mission at Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP®) is to certify leaders on building and leading resilient teams in the workplace. We have issued thousands of leader certifications to supervisors, managers, and senior managers since our founding in 2018.

Why? Because in any organization, getting the work done can be hard. Sometimes, it can be really hard. Resilient teams thrive in challenging environments because they can overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together.

Leaders build resilient teams by creating a positive climate, developing cohesion, and providing purpose. Building resilient teams makes team learning possible. Team learning is the foundation of organizational learning and change.

Get RBLP Certification

RBLP is our core leader certification. Supervisors and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-3

1.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-C Certification

RBLP-C is our Coach certification. Managers and above are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-5

2.5-hour oral exam

Get RBLP-T Certification

RBLP-T is our Trainer certification. Senior managers are eligible.

Curriculum modules 1-7

3.5-hour oral exam